CANGOs overall mandate as an umbrella body is to ensure a well-functioning and coordinated non-governmental sector. CANGO is membership based and has over 70 NGOs which are members. Also, there are two types of membership which is are associate and full member.

Associate membership is for nascent organisations which do not meet all requirements for full membership. Full members consist of the organisations which meet all requirements to become members.

CANGO members consist of NGOs/FBOs/CBOs registered in Eswatini which subscribe annually to CANGO.

The structure of CANGO includes:

  • Annual General Meeting (AGM)
  • Governing Board
  • Secretariat
  • Consortia
  • Members
Benefits of CANGO Membership

Attaining membership of CANGO is beneficial to NGOs, CBOs, and FBOs in a number of ways which include:

  • Capacity building
  • Group Fleet vehicle insurance
  • Networking with similar organisations
  • Organizational development
  • Joint resource mobilization
  • Developmental Partnerships with government institutions and partnerships with relevant regional or international organisations
  • Joint advocacy


Membership requirements
  1. Fill in membership application form and attach the following;
  2. Copy of lease agreement if you are renting premises. Otherwise provide proof of residence/office location;
  3. Copy of the organizational strategic plan;
  4. Copy of board charter including one record of minutes of the board, preferably most recent;
  5. List of board members, their positions in the Board, email and cell-phone contacts. Please structure it in matrix (table) format;
  6. List of all staff members, volunteers, their positions, email addresses and cell-phone contacts. Please structure it in matrix (table) format;
  7. Certified Copy of NGO registration with Government;
  8. Copy of audited report. For new organisation yet to be audited, please provide proof of auditor that the organisation will use. CANGO reserves the right to contact the auditor directly for verification purposes.
  9. For the Year 2022/23, the membership fee is E500 and is paid once a year upon approval of your membership by the CANGO Governing Board.
  10. Application processing fee of E250 once-off payment
  11. Upon meeting all requirements, the CANGO secretariat will send an invoice for payment of membership and processing fee