14th December 2020
‘The Coordinating Assembly of NGOs (CANGO) has learnt with shock the untimely
demise of the Right Hon. Prime Minister, His Excellency Ambrose Mandvulo
Diamini, whom we have been informed passed on while undergoing treatment for
COVID-19 related complications ata medical city in the Republic of South Aca,
His Excallency would be much remembered as a champion inthe fight against the
COVID-19 pandemic who led the nation in the response by declaring a State of
Emergency and establishing response mechanisms.
He led the governments policy on national development with the purpose of
‘addressing the economic challenges and budgetary constraints facing the county.
‘Among other things, he launched two key strategic documents detaling a plan to
addressing these challenges: firsty, the Economic Recovery Strategy Road Map
(2019 2023) and, the Post. COVID-19 Recovery Pian.
‘with 2022 just two years away, it was our hope that His Excellency would lead the
country tits Vision 2022, in spite ofthe COVID-19 setbacks.
We appreciate his leadership during this time. We are saddened that he succumbed
to death wile inthe battle. As a nation, death has robbed us of the opportunity to
benefit from the immense knowledge and experience of the fallen PM.
CANGO continues to look fonward to a collaborative and productive working
‘laionships between government and the NGO sector. We pray that God comforts
the family an all who have been affected by his sudden demise.
We therefore convey our condolences to their Majesties, the government and more
important, his family
‘May his family be comforted in this time of need,
‘May his soul rest in eternal peace
By CANGO Chairperson
Rev. Zwanini Shabalala