SADC Integrated Institutional Capacity Building Project

International Budget Partnership (IBP) Open Budget Survey (IBP)
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022

In 2021, the SADC Secretariat with funding from European Union issued a call for proposal where they sought to secure a partner to implement a Regional Integration Awareness amongst civil society in the SADC member states. CANGO and Lesotho Council of NGOs (LCN) collaborated in responding to this call.

This project will support enhancement of the Regional Integration score through making civil society aware of the benefits of integration and connecting them to the SADC Secretariat for information sharing and continued engagement.

The project will be implemented at a regional level by CANGO and LCN with SADC – CNGO providing support in linking

and providing access in identifying and linking up with national networks affiliated under SADC – CNGO. The project target is to reach at least eight countries in SADC.

The key objectives of this project are to generate knowledge, share knowledge and connect Civil Society Organizations to the SADC Secretariat on matters of Regional Integration enhancement. The project has three themes, namely

  1. Knowledge generation,
  2. Knowledge Sharing and
  3. Connecting to SADC.

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